September 23, 2012

Slaves To God

Service Type:

Slaves To God
Steve Lane

A. Review
By Faith into this grace which we now stand!
What are you counting on to be accepted by God? Every day…
Double theme: Justification by faith alone and victorious living
Passion rather than guilt or obligation
We have seen the chasm…. The river is too wide
Romans 6: 1 – 10
1. Freedom from the sin nature and no need to obey it
2. Divine Nature imparted (Gives desire, gives power)

Romans 6: 11 – 13
1. Reckon yourself dead to sin
2. Reckon yourself alive to God

B. The Way of Obedience Romans 6: 15 – 18
The surrender and the reckoning yourself dead to sin is a gateway
Intimacy with God and our effective work in the kingdom hinges…
The heart and motive of Paul’s disciplemaking heart… (2 Cor 4:7 – 13)
Clear the fog of self-dependence and move on to union with Christ Rom 12:1-2

Then we must be obedient! Uninterrupted fellowship is the goal…
Careful to not confuse things. The drift back to works Gal 2:21, 3:1 - 5
Romans 1:17, 6:11 Righteousness by faith
By faith not sinning, by faith serving, by faith abiding
Romans 6:13 – 18 [Law holy and right but cursed rather than helped
There will be faith and there will be works (Obedience) James 2:14

The role of obedience in maintaining our union John 15: 9 – 11
What is disobedience? What is sin? To abide continually in Him, in His love. Colossians 1: 9 – 12

Spiritual growth. Trusting Him to maintain the union! 2 Peter 1:3 – 5, 9
John 14: 21 – 24
What does obedience look like? Galatians 5:13 – 14, 22 - 25
As slaves of God we take up Christ’s cause in His strength, righteousness, love. Set free for what? Pursue your own thing? 2 Cor 2:15 - 16 aroma

C. Slaves to God (read Romans 6: 19 – 23)
Doulos - Bound to another for life, one whose will is swallowed up in another. One who serves another in disregard for his own interest. Psalm 123:1 - 2
Thessalonians 1: 7 – 8 How is the message ringing out from us?
And how is His life being lived out in and through us? Gal 2:20
Do not listen to discouragement and failure… “Do not lose heart” 2 Cor 4:1

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