November 4, 2012

This is how we live then Pt.3 (Prayer)

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This is how we live then Pt.3 (Prayer)
Steve Lane

A. Review Justification by Faith alone Living Victoriously
A new life- Identified with Christ, Reckon it to be true, Yet the battle rages on,
Free, Free, Free at last! In Union with Christ, The standard, this is how we live,

Understanding the far reaches of the curse to the most remote galaxy opens up our comprehending of the far reaches of the effect of the resurrection and Christ

B. The Holy Spirit’s ministry of prayer Romans 8: 26 – 27, 34
Romans 8:26 – 27, 34

Prayer is a necessity for me to be kept aligned with the desires and purposes of God and will prayer itself bring hope even when I don't know what to say

Grappling with prayer - The example of Elijah
He came off the mountain and took his message to the King
James 5:17 (Luke 4:25) 1 Kings 17:1

How could he ask this? He was living for the purposes of God
The widow's son – 3 times he asked - what kind of praying is this anyway? 1 KIngs 17:20 - 22
1 KIngs 18:36 – 39 Elijah's praying brought revival to Israel

Live like Elijah to Pray like Elijah; Pray like Elijah to live like Elijah.

He was not doing his calling and duty perfectly but he was where he ought to be and doing what he ought to be doing... and it was hard. But he knew God.

Strengthened him for the task even in the midst of discouragement 1 Kings 19:3-8

Meeting God in the cave 1 Kings 19:9
A wholehearted legacy passed on 1 Kings 19:19

C. Is everything in your life working to your good? Romans 8:28 - 30,31-39
To conform you to the likeness of Jesus
The Romanian pastor Colossians 3:3, 4:2 'Presenting Christ'

A Verse for all believers – all can claim but... responding to the call according to His purpose like Elijah who will reap the full orbed benefit of this promise.
Romans 8:28 – 30
Rom 8:31, 8:32 - 39

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