December 30, 2012

Vision and Direction

Service Type:

Vision and Direction
Steve Lane

A. Introduction - Disciple Making and Following Jesus in 2013
Understanding that most of the good things that happen are not planned by us

We are called to be followers of Christ - True followers of Christ make disciples
How does this happen? How can we plan and prepare and do it?

Jesus would like you to re-arrange your life in 2013 To Follow Jesus is to take on His mission

Walking like Jesus walked... [Come and follow Me] 1 John 2:6 John 10:27 John 12:24 - 26

B. What happens when you follow Jesus?
When we truly follow Jesus people will see we have a connection to God

- It will require a new level of acknowledged helplessness and God dependence
1 John 4:16 John 6:38 John 8:28 - 29

- You will Abide John 15:4-5

To abide is to live in fellowship with Jesus. To live in dependence on Him.
Prayer is not so much climbing a mountain as it is a throne to get off

- Your prayers will be answered John 15:16 John 16:24 (Isaiah 58, James 5:17)
You will begin to watch for answered prayer Isiah 64:4
God will reveal Himself to you in surprising ways and you will know him more

- You will obey. Not just not sinning but taking action, making disciples
John 14:15 You will love God's word and obey God's Word James 1:22 - 25

- You will bear fruit John 15:5, 8, 16

- He will go with you Matt 28:20 John 15:15

- You will know God and you will love Him and your greatest joy will be Him
John 15:9 - 11 Psalm 27:4

- You will desire to live in unity and community John 17:20 - 23

- Fear will not control you Philippians 1:27 - 28

- It will cost you everything John 12:23 - 26 (Matt 10:37-39) Romans 12:1

- You must believe John 6:29 John 13:12

- You will have hope, you can dream again Ephesians 3:20 Romans 15:13 Matt 11:28&29

Conclusion: Jesus says "Come and follow Me"

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