March 17, 2013

Walk Worthy of the Call

Service Type:

Ephesians - Walk Worthy of the Call
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
First three chapters... now action Temple/Body
God's glorious grace - Destiny and purpose - Joy!
Resurrection power, riches of His grace, love that surpasses knowledge, lavished upon us
Taste of Heaven on Earth - our purpose and inexhaustible resources
The church - we are a temple, Living stones
"In vital connection with him, having the source of its life in Him, sustained and directed by His power, the instrument also by which He works." Wuest
Conduit of Grace – keep it fresh
Prayer... what's possible and what to pray Eph 3:20
I can do more than you imagine... Context
Don't think about the church as primarily a place or an organization... its us. I
Or you will shut off unsuspected avenues of His grace and provision.
We cannot accomplish God's purpose on this earth apart from being a part of a community of believers.
B. Walk Worthy
Fulfilling your calling and living worthy is not some kind of separate calling – All of these inexhaustible resources and grace to do...
Live in a way that shows the worthiness of the gospel and show the worthiness of our calling and our incredible resources
Ephesians 4: 1 - 6
A blueprint for the church: practical groundwork if the church is to...
1. Humility
Unseen pride hinders the flow of grace and living worthy of the call.
Humility means doing things God's way, rather than my way.

The fruit will be an outward focus – not “how will this effect me”
Pride, self-protection my time, things, money, - John 5: 30
Humility is a matter of this: who are you going to please?
Presenting Christ life on life

2. Gentleness and meekness
Gentleness the effect of grace on the soul.

3. Patient, bearing with one another
One of our biggest struggles: self-preeminence

4. Unity
Ephesians 4: 3 – 6 Without these qualities, we will not have unity.

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