April 7, 2013

Being prepared for your Calling – 2

Service Type:

Ephesians – Being prepared for your Calling
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Resurrection power - Riches of His grace... Choosing Life.
B. He gave gifts to men
Ephesians 4:7 No one has the full measure of all the gifts and the ability to make...
A story told by David Platt – “I am going to impact the world” “I am going to make
disciples of all nations” “Why not?”
How did Jesus go about changing the world? Luke 6:40
You have been given a loose structure to carry out
Easier by your self?
1 Thess 4:1–2, Eph 4:22 The church instructing, correcting, encourging, you choosing life
C. Church Structure
11 Apostles – messenger/missionary - one sent out but also exclusively of the 12
those sent out personally by Jesus. Acts 1:21 – 22, Luke 6:13, Acts 9:17
1 Cor 15:7 – 8 Appeared to Paul
2 Cor 12:12 signs of Apostle Mark 3:13 - 14
Apostles gave vision to the church, they had the mind of Christ and they were passionate
about what Jesus was passionate about...
Prophets – NT, not like the OT prophets Ephesians 2:20, 3:5, Acts 15:32
Evangelist - 2 Tim 4:5
Pastor/teachers – [Acts 14:23] 1 Pet 5:2, John 21:15, Acts 20:28
Bishop/elder/shepherd/pastor/teachers – [Acts 14:23] 1 Pet 5:2, John 21:15, Acts 20:28
1 Tim 5: 17 – 19 Office within an office 2 Tim 2:2 Plurality and unanimity
Ephesians 4: 12 perfecting the saints for their ministry.
What are the tools of the shepherd?
Word – 2 Tim 3:16 – 17
Example – 1 Tim 4:12 – 14, 2 Tim 2:3 – 7 Foster and kayak
Relationship – 1 Thess 1:5 – 6, 2:6 – 8, 10 – 12, 17 1 Pet 5:1 – 2
Prayer – 2 Thess 1:11 – 12, 2 Tim 1:3, John 15:5
The secretes of intimacy with Jesus… ministry Romans 8:5 Having His desires…
D. Gifts Today
We need apostle type things going on...
Easy to fool your self... without real connections. We must be a community of people who realize we are the body of Christ
Making disciples is our call – not easy. Slow, tedious, messy, painful at times
But, it's better to not minister unless you are willing to do it within... Colossians 2: 19

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