September 29, 2013

Will We Believe?

Service Type:

Will you believe?
Steve Lane

Where is the joy and peace? Psalm 90:14 or the fruit of Gal 5:22?
The depressed, the beat down, the bitter...those with no hope
No more passion for God, prayer, the bible, the church, the lost, or life?

God has said some outrageous things and made some jaw dropping promises to His children
Isaiah 41:10, Matt 18:18 – 20

A difficult day is one thing but an ongoing trial is quite another.
The promises and the call are for all His children.

Hudson Taylor – streams of living water John 7:37
Psalm 50:15 Call upon me in the day of trouble

Rom 8:32, 35 Do you believe now that He loves you? Take a second and believe!
And what about Phil 4:19? And Rom 8:29 Is He conforming you to His image?
And as Hebrews says... He disciplines those He loves? Rom 8:28 He works all things to the good...
God could have made it all go so smooth...

Do you not think there are specific areas you need to grow in – to wake up to??
Heb 12:7 – 11, James 1:1 - 8

Some will say' no reason to pray then.' When you are believing you will pray all the more... while trusting him even in the deep struggle.

Will I passionately do what He has appointed me to do and not freak out at the varying results?
When I faithfully follow Him He will receive praise and honor

He has promised to go with me – Has the difficult situation or the long wait caused you to withdraw from His presence?

Luke 7 she was all in... “your faith has saved you”

God has a remedy for everything. But there is no remedy for unbelief! (except to believe!)

He has promised to give you peace, joy, power 1 Cor 2:4
2 Peter 1:3 – 5a He has given... believe it

No matter what you do or accomplish it is impossible to please God without faith Heb 10:22 – 23

Faith is setting your hope fully on God... not on another person, no matter who they are,
or faith and hope in what you plan to do or how you think things should be

“Love one another deeply from the heart” but set your hope on Jesus.

If our hope is in our plans or dreams or situations or people we will surly be let down and become discouraged but He promises to never leave or forsake us

You don't get to hear their story, only your own! Follow Me, leave them in My hands. (Aslan)
John 21:21 - 22

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