October 6, 2013

Living the Abundant life.. no matter the season

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Living the Abundant life.. no matter the season
Steve Lane

B. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Some seasons of life are better that others... or are they?
All the seasons at some point require perseverance - The source of Perseverance is faith

Allow for different seasons – planting, watering, waiting, harvesting, rest for the land, etc
If we try to continue harvesting when we need to be planting we will be frustrated and depressed and when it is time to plant we better be planting if we want a harvest

Sometimes during the harvest you're out in the field 16 hours a day or more...
“You're ruining your health”

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way
He will instruct in the way chosen for him
The Lord confides in those who hear Him

We can't always know another's season – still the overarching purpose does not change

While we must learn to accept where God has us and the season we are in and that we can not force God's hand – we don't lose sight of our calling to go and make disciples.
Consider all of your choices in this light.

Followers of Jesus Luke 19:10

Don't fool yourself by rationalizing pursuit of your own way as a season of life Or you will never experience true God blessed rest or the joy of laboring all night and finally bringing in a haul of fish.

The farmer may sit by the fire a little more in the winter but the harvest still has his heart.

What does God desire of you? In this season? Faith, Humility, Intimacy
Psalm 25:1-3 - Faith
Psalm 25:8–9, 12 - Humility
Psalm 25:13–15 - Intimacy
Can honestly ask for God's blessing on where He has you now? Dueteronomy: 33
Give yourself fully, without reservation, to His purpose in your life now.

Even when it is the season to die, you will do it well 2 Tim 4:6-8

Joshua 1:8–9

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