Living Victoriously

October 3, 2010
2010-10-03 1 Peter - Living Victoriously Steve Lane A. Review Receive the lessons of suffering, and respond in real humility Make sure you have come through the gate, by way…

Set Apart Christ as Lord

September 19, 2010
2010-09-19 1 Peter - Set Apart Christ as Lord Steve Lane A. Review 1 and 2 peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook Be harmonious, be sympathetic. Love as brothers—tenderhearted, kindhearted…

To This you were Called

September 12, 2010
2010-09-12 1 Peter - To this You were Called Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love - believing and responding 1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook…

Husbands Lead

September 5, 2010
2010-09-05 1 Peter - Husbands... Lead Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love... believing and responding 1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook Follow the example of…
2010-08-01 1 Peter - Don't Miss the Point Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God Psalm 63: 3 - 9 Longing for soul food.…