Gods Grace on Display

February 24, 2013
2013-02-24 God's Grace on Display Steve Lane A. Review/Intro Paul is Urging us to look into the grace of God... and respond Rom 12:1, Ephesians chapter 1 A still deeper…

Ephesians – Conclusion

September 20, 2009
2009-09-20 Ephesians - Conclusion Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction A soldier is not putting on his gear primarily for his own cause, but for a greater... What is it that Satan…

Spiritual Warfare – 3

September 13, 2009
2009-09-13 Spiritual Warfare 3 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Spiritual Warfare - Ephesians 6: 10 - 20 A soldier is not putting on his gear primarily for his own cause, but…
2009-08-30 Ephesians - Spiritual Warfare Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Submission and headship: Revival is required The Christian home - big picture Obedience and Submission Why is this so important? Why…
2009-08-23 Ephesians - Parents and Children: A Primary Truth Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Submission and headship: revival is required. Why did Jesus give Himself up for her (the church)? To…
2009-08-09 Ephesians - Husbands and Wives 2 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Three-legged race -- and we are to move together toward that goal The "profound fusion of two lives into…