John 8 – Who Are You?

August 16, 2015
2015-08-16 John 8 - Who Are You? Brad Bertelsen John 8:12-30 Where does Jesus get His identity? Relationship with God Where He is from, where He is going His character…
2015-08-09 John 7 - Jesus The Living Water Pat Gatlin John 7:25-53 Jesus is speaking to the people at the Temple It is during the Feast of Tabernacles and the…
2015-08-02 What Will You Be Remembered For? Pat Gatlin 2 Tim 4:6-8
2015-07-19 Righteous Judgement Pat Gatlin Today's sermon will be in John 7
2015-07-12 Why Following Jesus Is Not Always Easy Pat Gatlin John 6:53-59 Aspects of following Jesus: 1. Jesus came to disrupt 2. We need the spirit 1 Cor 2:14 3.…
2015-07-05 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ken Verboncoeur Mat 18:21-35 1 - Forgiveness is the first step to a restored relationship with God. Acts 26:18 Mat 6:14-15 2 -…
2015-06-28 God's Forgiveness Ken Verboncoeur Today's scripture references: Deut 29:18-20 John 15:9, 11 Rom 11:33 Is 1:18 Is 43:25 Rom 3:23 Dan 9:9 Ps 130:4 Ps 103:10 Mat 26:28 Eph…
2015-06-21 John 6 - What Happened To The Crowd? Pat Gatlin John 6:14-71
2015-06-14 Three Attitudes Concerning God's Provision Pat Gatlin John 6:1-14 Missionary Hudson Taylor had complete trust in God’s faithfulness. In his journal he wrote: “Our heavenly Father is a very…
2015-06-07 Spiritual Worship - Romans 12 Sam Kalapala John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:…
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