2015-01-04 New Year's 2015 Pat Gatlin "NEW YEAR’S" By the world’s standard, the New Year begins January 1st. But by God’s standard, it’s something different. For those of us in…


December 14, 2014
2014-12-14 "Joy" Pat Gatlin JOY…. Paul speaks about it as being one of the fruits of the Spirit, in our lives. Gal 5:21-23 Now the very first "fruit" that Paul…
2014-12-07 The Church - Part 2 Ken Verboncoeur

The Church

November 30, 2014
2014-11-30 The Church Ken Verboncoeur Exodus 33:15-20 2 Peter 1:21 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Proverbs 2:1-10
2014-11-23 The Six-Step Program - STEP SIX - Knowing The Word Pat Gatlin Matt 4:1-11 As Christians, it is our desire to be more like Jesus Romans 8:29-30 We are…
2014-11-16 The Six-Step Program - STEP FIVE - Knowing Your Enemy Pat Gatlin (Partial message, first few minutes did not record) We must know who God is and who we…
2014-11-09 The Six-Step Program - STEP FOUR - Prayer Pat Gatlin What is prayer? It is communication with God Matt 6:5-13 Let’s take a look at this simple prayer: "Our…
2014-11-02 You Are Indispensable Ray Van Gilst 1 Corinthians 12:14-23 14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15 If the foot should say,…
2014-10-26 The Six-Step Program - STEP THREE - Let’s Make this “Fast” Pat Gatlin Is. 58:6-8 FASTING Jesus modeled this practice for us He fasted - Denying his flesh That…
2014-10-19 STEP TWO - Trusting God Pat Gatlin This week – we come to lesson #2 – “Trusting God” Webster’s defines trust as: The reliance on the integrity, strength, ability,…
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