2014-05-04 It's the Importance of the Blood of Christ Pat Gatlin 1Cor 11:23 Lev 17:11 Matt 26:28 Col 1:14 1Pet 1:18 1John 1:7 Matt 27:4 Cor 5:21 John 18:38 Heb…
2014-04-27 10 Things You Can't Do And Still Call Yourself Pro-Life #8 Ken Verboncoeur Isaiah 1 Deut 24:14 Rom 1:28-31 Rom 5:12 Judges 4:1-3 Judges 6:1 Matt 19:24 Ecc 5:10…
2014-04-20 Easter Resurrection Message Pat Gatlin He Is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Heb 10:17 John 20 Rom 3:10-12 Eph 2:7-9 John 6:44 Rev 3:19-20
2014-04-13 Triumphal Entry Pat Gatlin Palm Sunday Isaiah 55:8-9 Matt 21:1-11 "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in…
2014-04-06 10 Things You Can't Do And Still Call Yourself Pro-Life Ken Verboncoeur
2014-03-30 Relentless Repentance - Part 2 Steve Lane Review - Spiritual Growth God has a specific desire for us... That Christ be formed in us Romans 8:29 Col 1:28-29 We…
2014-03-23 Relentless Repentance Steve Lane Spiritual Growth God has a specific desire for us... That Christ be formed in us (conformed to the image of His Son) Romans 8:29 Col…
2014-03-16 Gideon - Weak, Mighty Warrior - Part 2 Steve Lane Intro/review God takes weak people and difficult situations and turns them for His glory – Gideon It is a…
2014-03-09 Gideon - Weak, Mighty Warrior Steve Lane Introduction Judges: What can we learn about how God deals with us? The Midianites - Strife Judges 6:1-6 Seven years The Cry…
2014-03-02 Communion - The Lord's Prayer Pat Gatlin Eph 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us…
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