2014-02-23 Facing a Trial Steve Lane Introduction You may get beyond what you think you can bear – a horse and his boy Faith is required and faith is being…
2014-02-16 Am I Ready Yet to Walk by Faith? Steve Lane Intro Josiah [2Chronicles 34, 35] A great king but he did not understand seasons Trusting God – Keeping in…
2014-02-09 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Pat Gatlin 1 Cor 13:4-8 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not…

Daniel – Life Lessons

February 2, 2014
2014-02-02 Daniel - Life Lessons Steve Lane Intro/Review The Power of a Life Well Lived - Daniel resolves Three brief character studies – Mumble, Hezekiah, Daniel The balance of faith…
2014-01-26 Contentment - We've Got It Licked Pat Gatlin Phil 4:10-13 1Kings 21:1-19 1Kings 22:34-38 2Kings 9:30-36
2014-01-19 Daniel Prays - Part 2 - A Glimpse Into The Unseen World Steve Lane Intro/Review Prayer... the secret to a promised land mentality How do we become a praying…
2014-01-12 Daniel Prays - Will We Be A Praying Church In 2014? Steve Lane A. Intro How do I (we) do that? This is your starting place: what is your…
2014-01-05 **** No audio **** The New Year - Wilderness or Promised Land?? Steve Lane A. Review/Intro "For the Lord will go before you" Step into the New Year thoughtfully…
2013-12-29 10 Things You Can't Believe And Be Pro-Choice Ken Verboncoeur
2013-12-22 Being the Solid Foundation Pat Gatlin A. James 1:2-5 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of…
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