2013-10-06 Living the Abundant life.. no matter the season Steve Lane A. B. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Some seasons of life are better that others... or are they? All the seasons at…
2013-09-29 Will you believe? Steve Lane Where is the joy and peace? Psalm 90:14 or the fruit of Gal 5:22? The depressed, the beat down, the bitter...those with no hope…
2013-09-22 The Paralysis of Analysis Pat Gatlin James 1:5-8 Prov 8:1-21 John 8:12 Col 2:2-3 Ps 46:10 Prov 11:14 Ps 119:105 Ps 119:130 Jer 31:33 Col 3:15 James 1:5 Prov…
2013-08-18 Vision - Come Follow Me Steve Lane A. At peace with the enemy? Luke 11:24 – 26 Under New management (the best defense and offense) If you are managing…
2013-08-11 Ephesians 6 - Spiritual Warfare Pt. 4 Cont. Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Attack on the mission but also very personal – the battle for your mind 2 Cor 10:4…
2013-08-04 Ephesians 6 - Spiritual Warfare Pt. 4 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Attack on the mission but also very personal – the battle for your mind 2 Cor 10:4 –…
2013-07-28 Ephesians 6 - Spiritual Warfare Pt. 3 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Here’s your gear, take your place in the battle. Now, what if you just go home with smiling…
2013-07-21 Intentional Peril Pat Gatlin
2013-07-14 Ephesians 6 - Spiritual Warfare Pt. 2 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction We are to be tent makers - Our real purpose is the cause of Christ Spiritual Warfare (introduction…
2013-07-07 Ephesians 6 - Spiritual Warfare Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Submission and headship: Revival is required The Christian home – big picture Obedience and Submission Obedience in a child requires…
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