
June 16, 2013
2013-06-16 Marriage – Fathers Steve Lane
2013-06-09 Marriage – Foundational Principles Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Three legged race The “profound fusion of two lives into one, shared life together, by the mutual consent and covenant of…
2013-06-02 Marriage – Foundational Principles Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Three legged race The “profound fusion of two lives into one, shared life together, by the mutual consent and covenant of…
2013-05-26 Ephesians – Put off the old, Put on the new - Conclusion Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction/Obedience Henry Varley , "The world has yet to see what God will do…
2013-05-19 Ephesians – Put off the old, Put on the new - Part 4 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction/Obedience Be strong and courageous – bold –the church in Acts As soon…
2013-05-05 Ephesians – Put off the old, Put on the new - Part 3 Steve Lane B. Review/Introduction Ephesians 4:22 – 5:21 Overview put off - put on One of…
2013-05-05 Ephesians – Put off the old, Put on the new - Part 3 Steve Lane B. Review/Introduction Ephesians 4:22 – 5:21 Overview put off - put on One of…
2013-04-28 ******* Notes only - Audio missing ****** Ephesians – Put off the old, Put on the new - Part 2 Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Ephesians 4:22 – 5:21 The…
2013-04-21 Ephesians - Put off the old. Put on the new. Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Walk worthy; Walk in humility, in unity and with (Jesus) purpose Eph 4: 1 -…
2013-04-14 Being Prepared for Your Calling Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction We cannot accomplish God's purposes on this earth without being a part of community Humility: "Who are you going to…
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