2013-04-07 Ephesians – Being prepared for your Calling Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Resurrection power - Riches of His grace... Choosing Life. B. He gave gifts to men Ephesians 4:7 No…
2013-03-24 Ephesians – Being prepared for your Calling Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction First three chapters… chapter 4 though begins with being prepared for doing. God’s glorious grace -- Eph 3:16…
2013-03-17 Ephesians - Walk Worthy of the Call Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction First three chapters... now action Temple/Body God's glorious grace - Destiny and purpose - Joy! Resurrection power, riches…
2013-03-10 Ephesians - Drawing on the glorious riches of God Steve Lane A. Review/Intro Ephesians 2:1 – 9 God's Grace expressed through reconciliation Ephesian 3:2 God's grace expressed through us....…
2013-03-03 Being Channels of His Grace Steve Lane A. Review/Intro Ephesians 2:1 – 9 God's Grace expressed through reconcilliation Ephesian 3:2 God's grace expressed through us.... Ephesians 2:10 Are you…

Gods Grace on Display

February 24, 2013
2013-02-24 God's Grace on Display Steve Lane A. Review/Intro Paul is Urging us to look into the grace of God... and respond Rom 12:1, Ephesians chapter 1 A still deeper…
2013-02-17 Ephesians – See and Respond to the grace of God Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Written from prison in Rome (Acts 28: 16 – 31) 60 – 62 AD After…
2013-02-10 Ephesians – The praise of His glorious grace Steve Lane A. Introduction/The spiritual blessings of those who are in Christ Addressed to the church at the city of Ephesus…
2013-02-03 The responsibility of believers to one another and to the Lord Steve Lane A. Introduction [To the Jews and Gentiles...] When we don't deal with what the Holy Spirit…
2013-01-27 Unsuspected Thieves Of Our Passion Steve Lane A. Review/commands regarding society and civil authority Romans reality check of chapters 6 – 8 Rom 12:11 Thieves of zeal B. Persecutors…
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