2012-11-11 Vision and Direction (Your next step) Steve Lane A. What prompted this? The purchase of the space. [Multiply – Francis Chan and David Platt] What is your next step?…
2012/11/04 This is how we live then Pt.3 (Prayer) Steve Lane A. Review Justification by Faith alone Living Victoriously A new life- Identified with Christ, Reckon it to be true,…
2012-10-28 This is how we live then Pt.2 (Hope) Steve Lane A. Review A new life- Identified with Christ 6: 1-4 Reckon it to be true 6: 11 Yet the…

This is how we live then

October 21, 2012
2012-10-21 This is how we live then Steve Lane Homework Download A. Review Justification by Faith alone Living Victoriously B. What is the normal Christian Life? Romans 8:9 - 11…
2012-10-14 Free, Free, Free at Last! Pt. 2 Steve Lane Building on Firm Foundations Lesson #25 Romans Part Nine Homework Free, Free, Free at last! Introduction - Have you been…
2012-10-07 Free, Free, Free at Last! Steve Lane Homework A. Review Chapters six and seven – Dying to Live The essentials of salvation, walking with Christ, having victory over sin,…
2012-09-30 THE GREAT FAILURE – SELF DEPENDENCE Steve Lane Presenting Christ Homework A. Review/Intro – “Against all hope Abraham in hope believed” In the midst of failure and defeat our…

Slaves To God

September 23, 2012
2012-09-23 Slaves To God Steve Lane A. Review By Faith into this grace which we now stand! What are you counting on to be accepted by God? Every day… Double…
2012-09-16 Further Application Of Romans Chapter Six – Union With Christ Steve Lane A. Review Romans 6 Identification/union There are some places God intends you to go spiritually… Surrender Sheet…
2012-09-09 BOFF: All Believers share in the Death and new life of Jesus Part 2 Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Double theme of Romans… blood and the cross The guilt of…
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