2012/04/15 Building on Firm Foundations: Tearing Down Barriers Steve Lane A. Review The source of Peter and John’s courage – behold and reflect 2 Cor 3:18 Meeting a need and…
2012/04/15 Building on Firm Foundations: Tearing Down Barriers Ken Verboncoeur
2012/04/01 Building on Firm Foundations: Lifestyle verses Individual Acts Steve Lane A. Review The source of Peter and John’s courage - behold and reflect 2 Cor 3:18 Meeting a need…
2012/03/25 Building on Firm Foundations : Much Grace was upon them All Steve Lane Review A historical book… impacts our study The source of Peter and John’s courage – behold…
2012/03/18 Building on Firm Foundations: The Source Of Peter And John's Courage Steve Lane A. Peter and John arrested Just healed a man and preached an awesome sermon Acts 4:…
2012/03/11 Build On Firm Foundations: Peter and John are used to Heal a crippled man Steve Lane A. Review The Devoted To's Acts 2: 41 - 47 The Heart of…
2012/03/04 Building on Firm Foundations: The Activities of the Jerusalem church - They were devoted to… Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to … Acts 1:8 You are the church……
2012/02/26 Building on Firm Foundations: The Activities of the Jerusalem church - They were devoted to… Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to... Acts 2: 42 – 47 A result…
2012/02/19 THE ACTIVITIES OF THE JERUSALEM CHURCH They were devoted to… Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to... Place this passage in history… Devoted – proskartereo (pros-kar-ter-eh’o) – to be…
2012/02/12 Building on Firm Foundations: THE ACTIVITIES OF THE JERUSALEM CHURCH Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to... Acts 2:42-47 A result of being Spirit filled (Methods of God, not…
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