2011-02-06 2 Peter - Beware of False Teachers Steve Lane A. Intro/Review: Virtues, God's Word: Light in the darkness First Step in preparing them for the coming storm of opposition…

God’s Word

January 30, 2011
2011-01-30 2 Peter - God's Word: Light in the Darkness Steve Lane A. Review; Therefore, I Remind You of These Qualities Goodness, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, love** ** Brotherly love of…

2 Peter

January 23, 2011
2011-01-23 2 Peter - For These Reasons We Will Remember... Steve Lane A. Therefore, I Remind You of These Qualities 2 Peter 1: 12 Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence; Power…

2 Peter

January 16, 2011
2011-01-16 2 Peter - The Pinnacle of Peter's List, pt. 2 (Love) Steve Lane A. Therefore I remind you of these qualities 2Peter 1:12 Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence; Power…
2011-01-09 2 Peter - The Pinnacle of Peter's List Steve Lane A. Review Godliness: To please God, to be Christlike in character and love, obedient, with God's purposes and desires,…
2011-01-09 2 Peter - The Pinnacle of Peter's List Steve Lane A. Review Godliness: To please God, to be Christlike in character and love, obedient, with God's purposes and desires,…

Godliness in 2011

January 2, 2011
2011-01-02 2 Peter - Godliness in 2011 Steve Lane A. Review He has given us everything we need for godliness 2 Peter 1: 5 "Make every effort" - diligence, speed,…
2010-12-26 Testing Prophets and Teachers Ken Verboncoeur

Pursuing Perseverance

December 12, 2010
2010-12-12 2 Peter - Pursuing Perseverance Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Knowledge [epignosis ] full knowledge, discernment, recognition, experiential heart knowledge Warning: intensity is required. procrastination, distraction, putting off, inward focus…
2010-12-05 2 Peter - Grow in Self-Control and Perseverance Steve Lane A. Review Knowledge [epignosis ]: full knowledge, discernment, recognition, experiential heart knowledge Growing in grace and peace is directly…
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