Set Apart Christ as Lord

September 19, 2010
2010-09-19 1 Peter - Set Apart Christ as Lord Steve Lane A. Review 1 and 2 peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook Be harmonious, be sympathetic. Love as brothers—tenderhearted, kindhearted…

To This you were Called

September 12, 2010
2010-09-12 1 Peter - To this You were Called Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love - believing and responding 1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook…

Husbands Lead

September 5, 2010
2010-09-05 1 Peter - Husbands... Lead Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love... believing and responding 1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook Follow the example of…
2010-08-29 1 Peter - Submit Yourselves for the Lord's Sake Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love - believing and responding Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of…
2010-08-22 1 Peter - Submit Yourselves for the Lord's Sake Steve Lane A. Review Responding to God's love - believing and responding Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of…
2010-08-15 Strategic Planning for... Christians Ken Verboncoeur
2010-08-08 1 Peter - Strangers, Aliens and Sojourners Steve Lane A. Review Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God Longing for soul food (Psalm 63: 3 - 9)…
2010-08-01 1 Peter - Don't Miss the Point Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God Psalm 63: 3 - 9 Longing for soul food.…
2010-07-25 1 Peter - Soul Food to grow us up into spiritual maturity Steve Lane A. Review The Love of God is the key to everything! Passionate Worship Obedience to…
2010-07-18 1 Peter - Believe He Loves You: Love One Another Steve Lane A. Review: The Road to Maturity Leads to Fervent Love Are you weak enough to love like…
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