2009-12-06 The Parables of Jesus - To Get Us to Pray Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Abiding sanctifies our desires and our passion in prayer. "I hear you knocking..." Because the…
2009-11-29 The Parables of Jesus - Persevering in the Joy of Prayer Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Abiding sanctifies our desires and our passion in prayer. (I hear you knocking) Because…
2009-11-22 The Parables of Jesus - Parables on Prayer Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review The Rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand the parables (Luke 24: 27,44) MENO…
2009-11-15 The Parables of Jesus - The Vine and the Branches Abide in Christ Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review The Rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand the…
2009-11-08 The Parables of Jesus - The Vine and the Branches Abide in Christ Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Luke 24: 27,44 Yet, to not understand the parables enough to respond…
2009-11-01 The Parables of Jesus - The Stubborn and Fruitless Tree Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review The rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand most of the parables…
2009-10-25 The Parables of Jesus - Come Home: The Lost Sheep, Coin and Son Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review The rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand most…
2009-10-18 The Parables of Jesus - The Last Fishing Trip, and the Shepherd and His Sheep Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Stories that Jesus told to make a point - deeper…
2009-10-11 The Parables of Jesus - Fruit Producing Soil and a Great Treasure Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Stories that Jesus told to make a point. Deeper than just an intellectual…
2009-10-04 The Parables of Jesus - Spiritual Farming Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review Issues that will rock you to the core History and culture can be very critical in understanding the…
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