July 8, 2007 Hebrews - Part 8 : Drawing Near to God Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Superiority of Jesus Three groups - with a Jewish slant A stern warning: Don't…
July 1, 2007 Hebrews - Part 7 : Drawing Near to God Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but bring…
June 24, 2007 Hebrews - Part 6 : Drawing Near to God Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but bring…
June 17, 2007 Hebrews - Part 5 : Men Respond to Your Call Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but…
June 10, 2007 Hebrews - Part 4 : Entering the Land of Rest Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but…
June 3, 2007 Hebrews - Part 3 : Adjustments on the Journey to Canaan Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good…
May 27, 2007 Hebrews - Part 2 / Rest in the Superiority of Christ Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Confidence in the bible Many are trying to go back to the…
May 20, 2007 Hebrews - Introduction/The Superiority of Christ Steve Lane A. Introduction As soon as you start, you run into a problem... Some think Paul... or Barnabas... or Apollos...…
May 13, 2007 Mothers: Their Scriptural Calling Steve Lane A. Introduction [and disclaimers] Genesis 1: 27 Adam and Eve created equal - image of God Equality not based on function…
May 6, 2007 Turkey Mission Presentation Steve Lane & Ken Verboncoeur
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