September 24, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 5 The Father Gives You Jesus, Jesus Gives You Everything, What is Your Response? (cont'd) Steve Lane A. Introduction/review…
September 17, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 4 The Father Gives You Jesus, Jesus Gives You Everything, What is Your Response? Steve Lane A. Introduction/review His…
September 10, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 3 The Word Steve Lane A. Introduction/review His plan Eternal life, the New Life in you The Joy of…
September 3, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 2 The Word Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review A little equipping... Eternal life, the New life in you Growth -…
August 27, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 1 New Life Steve Lane A. Introduction/Review B. A New Life We have been made new - given a…
August 20, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know Steve Lane A. Introduction Our core teaching The real potential of growth may never take place Fill gaps for you and...…


August 13, 2006
August 13, 2006 Faith Carlton Parker
August 6, 2006 They Were Devoted to... Evangelism (conclusion) Steve Lane A. Introduction Remember the Korean Church? B. They devoted themselves to... Acts 2: 42 - 47 Devoted: proskartereo (Greek)…
July 30, 2006 They Were Devoted to... Evangelism (part 7) Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to... Acts 2: 42 - 47 Devoted: proskartereo (Greek) προσκαρτερεω To be earnest towards;…
July 23, 2006 They Were Devoted to... Evangelism (part 6) Steve Lane A. They devoted themselves to... Acts 2: 42 - 47 Devoted: proskartereo (Greek) προσκαρτερεω To be earnest towards;…
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