January 23, 2011

2 Peter

Service Type:

2 Peter - For These Reasons We Will Remember...
Steve Lane

A. Therefore, I Remind You of These Qualities

2 Peter 1: 12
Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence; Power of an attribute, its strength and courage.
Knowledge: gnosis, truth, understanding; diligent study and seeking of truth
Self-control: to make use of the power of the others; the glad surrender of discipline
Perseverance: Intensity—even relentlessness, in making every effort until you get the result
Godliness: To please God, to be Christlike in character and love; obedient; with God's purposes
Love: The pinnacle of Peter's list; brotherly love of phileo and agape
1 John 3: 16
Jesus was on a rescue mission—a mission of love, not condemnation.
A critical spirit denies us this joy of loving one another at all levels of relationship
Heart-to-heart relationships... and the impossible message on love from the Sermon on the Mount
1 Peter 2: 21 The virtue of love above all of the virtues demonstrates we belong to God.

B. Twelve Reasons to Remember the Virtues (and Why We Spent so Much Time on Them)

2 Peter 1: 10 - 11
Our salvation is by faith—in grace alone, through Christ alone. Therefore, our entrance into heaven is a gift (1 Corinthians 3: 9 - 15 and 2 Corinthians 5: 9 - 10)
But, our entrance and reward can be different:
Matthew 25: 21 "Well done good and faithful servant..."

2 Thessalonians 1: 11 We have lingered here long so...
That you would have the security and peace of your salvation
That you do no stumble, or fall into misery of disobedience and lose the intimacy
You do not forget your sins are paid for—cleansed and forgotten by God
That you do not become nearsighted or blind. This causes spiritual nearsightedness
These virtues can act like the law, or convict... should be making every effort
So that you don't waste your life—being ineffective and unproductive
So your life will bring honor to the Name of Christ, both now and on that day
2 Thessalonians 1: 12
So this body can do all that is is called to do. No one can fill your shoes
For your eternal benefit and reward
So that you can enter the eternal Kingdom with a rich welcome—victoriously
So I can watch you, knowing that I did not run or labor for nothing
Philippians 2: 16 - 18
You will be disciple makers...
To remember that living like this...
The circle must keep going—making disciples who make disciples
Reminding both the teacher and the hearer

C. I (Peter) will Make Every Effort that You will be Able to Remember!

2 Peter 1: 12 - 15
Let's not give up! No matter how many times you fail, to keep on making every effort, to keep training hard makes perfect sense. You have everything you need tor life and godliness.
"I am not giving up. I am making every effort that you would be progressing in these virtues, so that you are effective and productive and receive a rich welcome, and all those other things too!"

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