March 9, 2008


Service Type:

March 9, 2008
Growing in Christ - Relationships

Steve Lane

A. Review/Spiritual Growth

What's going on in your life? Do what it takes... get your eyes on the prize!

Philippians 3: 12 - 20
Philippians 4: 1
Are you pressing on toward the goal?

Philippians 1: 20 - 21
Has your core purpose changed?

2 Peter 1: 3 - 4
2 Peter 1: 10 - 11
Do you want to be useful in the Kingdom?

Colossians 1: 28
Ephesians 4: 11 - 16
It's not an easy trip, and there are battles.

"The path of God exalting joy will cost you your life. Jesus said, 'Whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it.' In other words, it is better to lose your life than waste it. If you gladly live to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full. This is not about how to avoid a wounded life, but how to avoid a wasted life. Some of you will die in the service of Christ. That will not be a tragedy. Treasuring life above Christ is a tragedy."

-John Piper

Acts 2: 42 Devoted to fellowship
Proverbs 27: 17 Ecclesiastes 4: 9 - 10 Hopeful and Christian
2 Timothy 2: 1 - 2 In the presence of many witnesses
Ephesians 4: 11 - 16 Maturing in our relationships is a sign and a fruit of spiritual growth
Philippians 1: 27 - 28 Unity for the purposes of God
Romans 15: 5 - 6 John 17: 22 - 23

B. Paul Appealed to the Philippians to Obey his Exhortations - example of partnership

Philippians 2: 12 - 13
Daily dependence and faith
John 15: 5
Romans 6: 11
Romans 12: 1 - 2

Putting others' needs ahead of their own
Philippians 2: 1 - 4
Philippians 2: 14

Able to be a testimony to the people around them
Philippians 2: 15
Philippians 2: 19 - 22

Co-laborers desiring to see God's purpose fulfilled in every person in the body
Paul and Timothy had unity and partnership for the sake of Christ
Paul to the Philippians, and Timothy to the Philippians
Maturing relationships - time to grow up

Right relationships never move toward exclusiveness
Be suspicious if you are the only one who understands
Romans 15: 14 Intolerance of continued rebellion and unbelief
Many signs of wrong focus
Emotional manipulation, exclusiveness, showing partiality
Relationships going awry
The unity of sharing God's purposes

C. Conclusion - The Interest of Christ had First Place in Paul's Life and Friendships

Philippians 2:3-5
Philippians 2:19-30
The love of Christ will be costly in our lives, but full of the joy and love of friendships based on the purpose of Jesus.

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