December 11, 2011


Service Type:

South Jordan Community Church
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Jesus desires to spend the The last night with His disciples

Jesus has spoken His last words to the outside world and withdrawn to the intimacy of the 12
“I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you...” [Luke 22:15]
They have been faithful but far from exemplary. But they are His followers, His little flock.
The mission of the Holy One of God, the very mission of God is soon to be handed over to them.
If He desires this intimate time with these followers of His before they are sent out... what about you and me? ‘Why would He want to spend it with me?’

B. Another lesson in humility and elimination of self focus
Jesus washing the feet of His disciples... Difficult because it is so convicting.
John 13:1 - 5,14 - 15 He was showing the way by going first

He is assuring them of His love for them and once again emphasizing the absolute necessity of doing away with self focus to produce the fruit of the Master.

The radical change of a heart to humility is expressed... “this has happened to me as some way by which I may meet the needs of others”.

2 Corinthians 1: 6 - 7,9; 2 Corinthians 4: 15 Paul’s humility.
Moving from my view to God’s view
Taking God’s purpose in God dependence producing God’s fruit and sharing in God’s joy.

C. Our Response
The Kingdom has been handed to us. What shall we do to prepare for fruit?

Come humbly, willing to have our heart’s perspective changed from self to Him

Plan a time of intimacy with Him as preparation before going into the New Year and fruit bearing. Experience and believe John 13: 1 and Luke 22: 15

Practical Help: SJCC Prayer Guide (pdf)
Also see ‘Training in Prayer’ message 6/5/11

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