January 28, 2007

A Man of Prayer

Service Type:

January 28, 2007

A Man of Prayer

Steve Lane

A. Background

One interpretation, many applications

Themes - Leadership, Sovereignty of God/responsibility of man, God's word, prayer, vision, risk, opposition, following through, and revival as a result of the Word

722 B.C. Israel defeated and deported by the Assyrians

605 B.C. Babylonians defeated Judah and deported the people in three stages.

70 year exile

Return in three phases - Zerubbabel 538 B.C., Ezra in 458 B.C. and Nehemiah in 445 B.C.

20 years to complete the temple; 58 years, Ezra; 13 years later, Nehemiah

B. Does the Condition of the Wall Concern You?

Nehemiah 1: 1 - 4

Did the remember the warnings of Haggai ( Haggai 1: 1 - 11 )

God will not settle for half of your heart ( Zechariah 1: 1 - 4 )

This movement of God began in prayer - Nehemiah was passionate for God's purpose

C. The Prayer of Nehemiah

Let's grow with the book of Nehemiah - a pattern of prayer

Nehemiah 1: 4 - 6a

Great and awesome God

God is waiting to be reminded

Nehemiah 1: 6b - 7
Repentance - You gotta be right

Nehemiah 1: 8 - 9
Remind God of His promises - He is waiting to be reminded

Nehemiah 1: 10 - 11
Remind God of His purposes and how His purposes relate to your prayer
Remind Him to listen... He has been waiting

Your greatest delight is in Him and your greatest delight is bringing glory to Him

John 15: 8
Pray for success - abundant fruit

D. Be Constant in Prayer

Nehemiah 2: 1 - 6
Sad for the right reason

Nehemiah 2: 4 - 5
God-dependent attitude, abiding type of prayer

There is a wall for you to build

"God's great movements in this world have been conditioned on, fashioned by and continued by prayer."
-Andrew Murray

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