August 28, 2011

A Mission and a Miracle

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - A Mission and a Miracle
Steve Lane

A. Review
There is a blend of learning about following Jesus, and about making disciples
Come and see; Come and follow me; Come and be with Me
Catching the vision from Jesus (Matthew 9: 27)
He opened his heart and His life, and he trusted them with His mission. They became His friends.
Jesus preferred devoted men who had none of the advantages, to undevoted men who had them all
Jesus taught them about religious liberty and legalism
Very much wanted to get across to His men that outward acts of religion do not make you holy
Like Paul, they did not allow their freedom to damage another's faith. Selflessness was still key
First attempts at evangelism
The waking up and rousing of the many, and the detailed and careful training of the twelve
"My sheep hear My voice." Whose voice do you listen to?

B. Four Things to Notice about this Apprenticeship Mission
[Matthew 10; Mark 6: 7 - 13,30-32; Luke 9: 1 - 11]
The sphere: just to Jewish peoples, and probably just the religion of Galilee

The nature of the work: they were given the power and told to heal and cast out demons, and they were to preach that the kingdom of Heaven was at hand—a message of repentance. The disciples knew nothing of the cross at this point. (Colossians 1: 24 - 29)

Instructions for carrying on the work which includes much on the distant future (Matthew only).
"Care not, fear not" was the heart of the message of both the first and second missionary trips.
Matthew 10: 10 Fearless, but not foolhardy—a difficult combination
Not distracted by the pursuits of life in full reliance on Him
There were two movements going on at the same time...
We see later that it was the training of the twelve that bore the most and lasting fruit

Mark 6: 30 - 31 The result of their work and their return
Immaturity and success can be a dangerous combination!
There is a need for watchfulness and self examination to have partners (2x2 Mark 6: 7)
He wants faith, not in our preparation for the mission, but in Him to provide

C. Who was Feeding the 5000?
[John 6: 1 - 15; Matthew 14: 13 - 21; Mark 6: 33 - 34; Luke 9: 11 - 17]
Luke 9: 10 - "You give them something to eat"
All these people, and the absolutely inadequate means of five loaves and two small fish
John 6: 5 - 13 Philip and Andrew
Mark 6: 34 - 42 Sheep without a shepherd
He expects us to see our weakness, but not to doubt what He can do with it
This is how Jesus works: "I'll give it to you, and you give it to them. Trust Me"

You know what Jesus is waiting to hear, don't you?
I'll give you what you need. Do not take care. Don't fear, have faith. Believe Me.
Oh you of little faith, why did you not believe?

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