August 24, 2008

About End Times

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August 24, 2008

What We Believe
About End Times
E.S. Lane

A. Introduction - Truth and an Eternal Perspective
There is a new surge against doctrine and theology.
Spiritual growth - eternal perspective
The life of C.T. Studd
"[It is] worthwhile to lose all this world has to offer, and stake everything on the world to come."
Vision for this church - as a tentmaker, what is your purpose?
B. Eternity in Our Hearts

Orthodox Christianity - differences in the details.
Signs - Matthew 16: 2 - 3

C. Time Line

Israel is key to understanding end times.
The Church Age and the promises to Israel
Romans 11: 1 - 2
Romans 11: 11
Romans 11: 25 - 27

Many nations around her will form an alliance and will come against Israel in war.

This alliance will include two key nations: Persia (Iran) and a great nation from the North. Russia has recently signed another military agreement with Iran.

These are rumblings that are only increasing.
Ezekiel 38: 18 - 23
Ezekiel 39

We believe the church will be called out - Jesus will return for His bride.
1 Thessalonians 1: 10
1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18
2 Thessalonians 2: 1
1 Corinthians 15: 51
Revelation 3: 10

Israel will sign a treaty with the rest of the world, and the seven-year Tribulation will begin.
Daniel 9: 27

Judgement seat of Christ
2 Corinthians 5: 10
Romans 14: 10

The return of Christ to the earth, and the millennial reign for 1000 years.
Revelation 19: 11

The Great White Throne of Judgment
Revelation 20: 11 - 15

Names are written in the Book of Life
Revelation 21: 3

D. Any Urgency?

We have been given a purpose and a job until He returns.
Matthew 28: 18 - 20

The tyranny of the temporal

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