July 1, 2012

Acts: Building on Firm Foundations: Man on fire

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Building on Firm Foundations: Man on fire
Steve Lane

What Made Them So Fruitful? I want to know.
Consider your call – next steps
John 14:27 I left it with you. Why don’t you go ahead an open it up and enjoy it?

A. Introduction Acts 18:23
3 years Ephesus and a few months in Corinth
1st and 2nd Corinthians and Romans will be written on this trip
Paul has taken to heart the fact that God wanted all to hear (Acts 20:24)
Historical account… we get to watch a church on fire… and a man on fire
John 15:5 But Paul was in the same boat as us

B. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus
Paul had stopped in at Ephesus on his 2nd journey (Acts 18:18-21)
Apollos, (Acts 18:24 – 28) also joined them
Priscilla and Aquila… what a disciple making team and great partners to Paul. Their leadership will give Paul an opportunity he has not had in other places….
Paul meets up with some Jewish disciples of John the Baptist Acts 19:1-7

1. Paul’s disciple makeing training school at the Hall of Tyrannus
Acts 19:8-10
The ones that were trained here went out and took the gospel to Asia
We get a rare opportunity in studying Acts.

Paul made disciples with the intent that they would make disciples
2 Timothy 2:1 – 2 Re-investment was expected
Vision Prov 29:18
Vision Must be balanced with Discipline to produce a harvest Prov24:30
Paul was concerned he have labored for nothing Phil 2:16
What is your next step? 2 Cor 5:17 – 6:1

2. The Promise of the power of God Acts 19:11-12
2 Corinthians 12:12 Paul an Apostle and he could expect…
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 The promise for you
3. The Riot Acts 19:23-30

C. Paul ministered in Macedonia and Greece
Acts 20:1-3

D. Paul left Corinth and ministered in Troas
Acts 20:3,6,7

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