April 29, 2012

Acts: Paul, The Persecutor, Is Transformed

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: Paul, The Persecutor, Is Transformed
Steve Lane

A. Stephen, the martyr, and Paul, the persecutor
Acts 8: 1 – 3, Phil 1:14, Heb 11:32 – 40 Joyful sacrifice encourages others

B. The work of the scattered Believers
Acts 8: 4-8 Even in difficult circumstances still devoted to the mission of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:14 “For Christ’s love compels us” (Ministry of econciliation)
Significant desire and action in reaching out, even at great cost

We are deterred so easily it seems… “my plate is full”
2 Cor 6:3 – 10 This is compelled by the love of Christ
Romans 8: 5b What does the Spirit desire?

Are you compelled by the love of Christ? Don’t just consider desire.
Jesus had commanded the church to go to (Matt 28:19, John 4:35, Acts 1: 8)
Acts 8:5 – 8

C. The Jewish Believers see that Samaritans are to be included in the church
Acts 8: 14 – 17 Second phase of the birth of the church Samaritans –
Acts 10:43 – 48, 11: 15 – 18, 15:8 Gentiles
Acts 19: 1 – 7 OT/ transition saints
All receive the Holy Spirit at conversion Rom 8:9, Eph 1:13–14, 2 Cor 1: 22, Titus 3:
Acts 8: 25 Peter and John followed suit and preached in many Samaritan

D. Philip the Evangelist
Acts 8: 26 – 40 Phillip was listening to God – obedience always takes faith

E. Saul’s conversion
Acts 9: 1 – 2 Saul still at it, now following believers outside of Jerusalem
Acts 9:3-9 Could a man like this ever trust Jesus as his Savior?
Paul’s salvation was not unusual just the circustances
2 Corinthians 5: 21
Since God arranged your salvation, as He did Saul’s, how ought you to live then?

F. Ananias was sent to Saul
Acts 9: 10 - 19

G. Saul’s ministry in Damascus
Acts 9: 20 - 22

H. Saul’s Escape
Acts 9: 23 – 25 So who is angry about Saul?

I. Saul’s visit to Jerusalem
Acts 9: 26 - 28

J. Saul’s departure to Tarsus
Acts 9: 29 – 30, Acts 11:25 - 26

K. A time of peace and growth for the churches
Acts 9: 31
Are we willing through the ups and downs of life to keep at it like the Jerusalem What has
been the result of your transformation?

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