June 10, 2012

Acts: Paul’s first and second missionary journeys

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Paul's first and second missionary journeys
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Acts 13 & 14 First journey 48 – 49 AD The Book of Galatians written
B. Barnabas and Paul in Antioch in Pisidia
Acts 13:14 – 16 Developing some patterns and developing a team.
Acts 13:32,33,38,39. Their consistent message – Faith alone in Christ alone
Acts 13:42-47 They caught a whiff of the freedom yet many returned to…
Acts 13:52 Rejection, difficult times yet Joy in him and in step…
There is a cost and there were beginning to experience it

C. Barnabas and Paul in Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe Acts 14:1-18, 14:19-20
D. Barnabas and Paul returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch in Pisidia
Acts 14:21-22,Acts 14:23
E. Barnabus and Paul Return Home
Acts 14:24-28 Another year here

Paul’s second missionary journey Part one: Antioch to Philippi
A. Introduction
The time between the first and second journeys – Acts 15:1-35
The church is always under attack from with out and from within Acts 15:2
Truth without love kills but love without the truth is even worse.
By Grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
Acts 15:35-36 Three year trip 50AD – 53AD

B. Paul and Barnabas plan to revisit their converts and the new churches
1 and 2 Thessalonians written on this trip from Corinth.
Acts 15:37-39

C. Paul and Silas return to the churches in Syria, Cilicia, and Galatia
Acts 15: 40 –41 Encouragement and further teaching.
Acts 16:1-3 Timothy would be come a faithful co-laborer.
Acts 16:4-5 The Lord added to their number
Acts 6:7, 9:31, 12:24, and 19:20

D. Paul’s Journey to Macedonia
Acts 16:6-10 The missionary band were directed away from Asia and Bithynia, Paul later trained and sent missionaries to Asia. Acts 19:9-10
We must trust Him to guide and provide …He designs

E. The Work at Philippi
Paul will later write a particularly warm letter to the new church at Philippi.
Acts 16:11-12 The Journey
Acts 16:13-15 Notice her immediate and joyful availability to God.
Acts 16:16-18 The gospel shakes things up.
Acts:16,19-24 Paul and Silas beaten and imprisoned
Acts 16:25, Acts 16:26-28, Acts 16:33-34 The Philippian Jailer’s conversation
They found themselves in a very difficult situation. Unfair?
God wants us to trust Him in every situation. Peace, joy and hope. Rom 15:13

A church… how it is built up Ephesians 4:16 City on a Hill – Casting Crowns
Acts 16:35-40 Paul and Silas released

F. What have we learned about the missionary team that made them so fruitful?
- Ordered their lives around the eternal rather than the temporal
- Heard from God – in a place to hear
- Already laboring having already taken on the mission
- Did what God called him to do without hedging
- Willing to be poured out. Wiling to do anything for the sake of the call
There is a cost… most of us dabble with the cost but there is the cost - Joy
“Investing in the harvest is worth it – even if you invest all you have”
- Prayed and continued to pray - Loved - Truth
- Ready for spiritual warfare – “thunk”
- They drew strength from God and one another. They worshiped.
Ephesians 3:20

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