June 17, 2012

Acts: Paul’s first and second missionary journeys: He went…and You?

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Paul's first and second missionary journeys:
He went...and You?
Steve Lane

A. Review
Map and modern countries/time. Turkey – Greece
Acts 13 & 14 48 – 49 AD Galatians was written to these churches
The cost and joy of the call Acts 13:52 Why?
The second missionary journey 3 year trip 50AD – 53AD
Acts 16:13-15 The conversion of Lydia. Notice also her immediate and joyful
Acts 16:19-24 Paul and Silas beaten and imprisoned - Jailer’s conversation
The story of degeneration of a church Eph 4:16 ‘City on a Hill’ – Casting Crowns

B. What have We Learned About the missionary team That Made Them So Fruitful? I want to know.
Consider your call – next steps
- Eternal perspective 2 Cor 4:17 - 18
- Heard from God; in a place to hear – Acts 13 worshiping, praying, fasting.
- Already laboring having already taking on the mission
- Did what God called him to do without hedging
- Willing to be poured out. Willing to do anything for the sake of the call
- Tthe promise of Joy John 15: 11, Rom 15:13
- “Investing in the harvest is worth it – even if you invest all you have.”
- Prayed and continued to pray. Examples: 1 Thessalonians 3:10, Eph 1:17 – 23
- Love [Invested their lives] 1 Thessalonians 1:7–8, 11–12 ‘leading the way by going first’ 1 Thessalonians 1:10 – [The 2 L’s lead and love]
- Truth with power 1 Thessalonians 1:4 – 5
- Ready for spiritual warfare “thunk” Eph 6:11 - 18
- They drew strength from God and one another. They worshiped Acts 16:19- 24
- Pretty complex… They went. They obeyed and did what Jesus said.

Proverbs 24:16
Video clip – “How not to make disciples” What is your call? Ephesians 3:20
Paul’s 2nd missionary journey Picking up in Philippi and ending in Antioch

C. Introduction
Acts 17:1-4 They left Philippi with Timothy and Luke.
Paul will send Timothy back to encourage and teach them 1st and 2nd Thess 1 Thessalonians 3:1-2
Acts 17:10-12 Some will refuse the Gospel and some will accept…
Acts 17:13-15 The team is still in enemy territory….

D. Paul’s message at Athens
Acts 17:16 Checking out the city Paul becomes very disturbed.
Acts 17:22 – 27 Reached out to them in a gentle fashion with the truth

E. From Athens to Corinth
Acts 18:1-11 Stays in Corinth 1.5 years [he writes 1 & 2 Thess from here.]

F. From Corinth to Antioch
Acts 18:19-22 Paul taught but did not stay but he left Aquila and Priscilla
From Ephesus to Ceasarea to a church then Jerusalem then home to Antioch

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