June 24, 2012

Acts: Paul’s first and second missionary journeys: Responding to the call

Service Type:

Paul's first and second missionary journeys:
Responding to the call
Steve Lane

A. Review
Modern day Turkey and Greece is where much Paul’s 1st and 2nd…
The second missionary journey - Part one: Antioch to Philippi 50 – 53 AD
Some things We Learned From the missionary team:

B. Introduction “Easy directions that are hard to follow”
They were led differently…. Proverbs 3:5 – 6, Romans 8:28 Love God and be called according to His purpose!

Philippi to Athens Acts 17:1-4
After leaving the synagogue spent about 4–6 months of Fruitful ministry in Thessalonica – 1 Thess chap 1 Model church
From Athens Paul will send Timothy back to encourage and teach 1 Thess 3:1-2

On to Berea Acts 17:10-12 What an example!
Some will refuse the Gospel and some will accept… do not be discouraged
Acts 17:13-15

C. Paul’s message at Athens Acts 17:16
Acts 17:22 – 27 Paul reached out to them in a gentle fashion with the truth
D. From Athens to Corinth Acts 18:1 - 2, 7 – 8
Paul stays in Corinth 1.5 years and teaches and establishes the church.
He writes 1 & 2 Thessalonians from here
The Corinthians have struggled a little more. Temple of Aphrodite here

E. From Corinth to Antioch
Acts 18:19-22 Paul taught but did not stay and he left Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus.

Paul’s third missionary journey Part One: Antioch to Troas

F. Introduction
Acts 18:23 Paul ended his 2nd journey in 53 and started the 3rd also in 53.
Here they go again… Paul had absolutely taken to heart the fact that God wanted all to hear Acts 20:24

Do you love Him and Are you called according to His purpose?
The 2 foundational life principles? [Rom 8:28] John 15:5, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

We think to focus on our own needs and desires is what brings fulfillment

Jesus has told them the cost and promised peace John 14:27
I left it with you. Why don’t you go ahead an open it and enjoy?
Even then our focus tends to go back to ourselves… And we become disturbed
Proverbs 24:16 get back up

On with the journey!
Saturday night text: It gets me every quiet time how simple of a life Christ wants of us. The mission is simple: Make disciples through love and truth. The cost: Your life. Easy directions that are hard to follow.

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