June 3, 2012

Acts: Paul’s first missionary journey

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Building on Firm Foundations: Paul's first missionary journey
Steve Lane

A. Introduction
Acts 13 & 14 A whole new era was about to begin.
First Journey from 48 – 49 AD [The Book of Galatians written to these churches] Pattern of investing in others
Look for things about Paul and Barnabas that made them so fruitful
The Holy Spirit is given to us… fruit, conform, guide, comfort… Acts 1:8
The purpose Jesus came – to reconcile the world to God.
This missionary Journey is an example of responding to the call

B. Barnabas and Paul called to missionary service
Acts 13:1 – 3
1) They were busy doing the Lord’s work when they were called.
2) They were in a right place spiritually. Fasting indicates passionate prayer
3) They actually went.
4) The leadership and the whole church were seeking God - unity

C. Barnabas and Paul in Cyprus
Paul and Barnabas giving Their all at every stage but it looked different.
Acts 13:4 – 5, 12 – 13
They were sent by the Holy Spirit for a purpose and they went right to it with conviction and God dependence (1 Thess. 1:5 example)
True spiritual activity can attract the enemy and his people, be alert
Amazed at the teaching of the Lord

D. Barnabas and Paul in Antioch in Pisidian
Acts 13:14 – 16; Acts 13:32,33,38,39.
A consistent message of Paul – you cannot be made righteous by the law.
Acts 13:42-47
Acts 13:52 Why? Rejection, difficult times yet Joy in him and in step…

E. Barnabas and Paul in Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe
Acts 14:1-18, 14:19-20
F. Barnabas and Paul returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch in Pisidia
Acts 14:21-22, Acts 14:23
G. Barnabus and Paul Return Home
Acts 14:24-28

H. What have We Learned About Paul and Barnabas That Made Them So Fruitful?
- Eternal perspective - Heard from God, in a place to hear - Did what God called them to do without hedging …. One step then another
- Willing to be poured out. “Investing in the harvest is worth it – even if you invest all you have.” “Sharing the gospel and your life as well"
You have a message, power, the call… Next step? Respond to the call. You can do far more than you think possible. Ephesians 3:20

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