July 8, 2012

Acts: Paul’s third missionary

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Building on Firm Foundations: Paul's third missionary journey
Steve Lane

What have We Learned About the missionary team Consider your call
We get to watch a church on fire… and a man on fire with a love for God, the brethren and
the lost.
Leadership in Ephesus will give Paul an opportunity
2 Timothy 2:1 – 2 Re-investment was expected
Paul’s vision was to go and make disciples – needs to be ours

A. Paul called the Ephesian elders to come to Miletus
Partnerships and connecting circles of influence – Pricilla and Aquila Apollos, etc Paul developed these things in the churches by leading – how can we do this?
Paul will warn today about the many pitfalls along the way to getting here – and primary in this next section is truth
Acts 20:17
Tools of the shepherd
B. Paul reminded the elders of his life and ministry in Ephesus
Acts 20:18 – 19
Paul will remind them of how he lived his life and did his work among them –
You see this heart of Paul 1 Thess 1:3 – 8, 2:7 – 13
Actively engaged in the circles of influence will gradually raise up more elders
There is a level of commitment to the cause of Christ in real life and not theory He responded as he advised the Colossians to respond…. Col 4:2 - 6
Acts 20:20 - 21
Gentle and merciful but you must speak the truth – Col 1:28 – 29
An Elder; Because they know the word and they are living in one of these circles and watching over other circles with an eye out for wolves
Paul predicted his future Acts 20:22 – 25
Reveals a determination to fulfill God’s call no matter the difficulties.
C. More warning and exhortation to the elders
While Paul was leaving them in much sadness he had no regrets.
Acts 20: 26 – 27
He warns them again about the importance of their work Acts 20:28 – 31
Keep watch over yourselves… 1 Tim 4:15 - 16
Paul wants them to be men on fire – not just fulfill a position
D. Paul’s farewell
These are some of his last words to the Ephesian elders Acts 20:32
Reminded them again of his way of life when he was with them Acts 20:33 – 35
And then Paul’s final words to them Acts 20:36 - 38

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