March 11, 2012

Acts: Peter and John are used to Heal a crippled man

Service Type:

Build On Firm Foundations: Peter and John are used to Heal a crippled man
Steve Lane

A. Review The Devoted To's

Acts 2: 41 - 47 The Heart of the early Church
Get on board This whole package is the basic machinery of the mission of Christ.
1) The Word 2) Fellowship 3) The Lord's Supper, Communion 4) Prayer 5) Worship
6) Abiding 7) Faith 8) Reconciling the world to God

B. The lame man healed and a real need met (Apostles)

Apostles 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:43
To verify His Deity and later to verify that the Apostles commissioned by Jesus.

Acts 3: 1 Jews are continuing with the Temple system
Jewish Christians continued to go to the Temple courts to the appointed prayer
Acts 2:46 They used their homes for much teaching, fellowship and prayer

Acts 3: 2 - 5 What is he going to get?

Acts 3: 6 The world always offers us something and it seems like the answer.
Psalm 63:1, 5 Seeking God and His way meets our deepest needs
Peter and John gave the man what he really needed (Acts 3:19)

Do you believe? The early church believed Acts 1:8 and they were compelled...

Acts 3:7 - 8 This identified for the man who they talking about

C. The amazement of the people

Acts 3: 9 - 11 Peter seized the moment

D. Peter's message
1. Accusation - A wonderful but difficult day was upon them 2 Cor - 6:2
Peter's message of course would hit the Jews hard Acts 3: 12 - 15

2. Explanation - Peter made it clear not their holiness or power Acts 3: 16

3. Call to repentance - still you are on the wrong side Acts 3: 17 - 19

4. Promise of blessing - Acts 3: 19 - 21

5. Promise of judgment - All who reject will be separated Acts 3: 22 - 24

6. God's promise to Abraham - Acts 3: 25 - 26

A message of hope and good news - designated messengers

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