May 13, 2012

Acts: Peter sent to preach to the Gentiles

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations: Peter sent to preach to the Gentiles
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Paul the persecutor is transformed.
A word to moms – mission
People are going to have to do some difficult things – which go against their natural tendencies
This is a very nasty theological trick – 1 Peter 5:6 - 11

B. Cornelius Acts 10: 1 – 2
God was about to intervene in a big way.
If there is a calling, a passion for some area of His mission or burden… He has intervened.

C. God’s Instructions to Cornelius
Acts 10: 3 – 6 Remember God’s promise to Abraham, that all the World would be blessed …

D. Cornelius’ Response
Acts 10: 7 – 8 Cornelius immediately obeyed. He took action…

E. The Lord’s preparation of Peter [and Cornelius and you]
Acts 10: 9 – 16
1) Laws about clean and unclean animals abolished with the death of Christ.
2) ALL who have trusted in Christ are clean and are together in the Church of Christ.
3) Because all true believers accepted by God all treated as equal.

Do you want to hear from God…. Make the adjustment - unhurried daily time

F. Peter went to Cornelius’ house
Acts 10: 17 – 23
Brothers from Joppa going along… Include the brothers and sisters in what God calls you to

G. Peter in the home of CorneliusActs 10: 24 – 33

H. Peter’s MessageActs 10: 34 – 43
While Peter is speaking to them the Holy Spirit is revealing to them who Jesus really is
We receive righteousness and are treated as such by God

I. The conversion of the first Gentiles Acts 10: 44 – 48, Acts 11: 13 – 18

J. The Gospel continuing to be powerfully spread by a bunch of nobodies
Acts 11: 19 – 21
Each part had to be doing its part to support this kind of growth
We must truly put God first or we will not be willing to re-arrange our John 4:34–35, Matthew 9:37

We do this by sacrificially reaching out to the world and building up the body. We must be doing both. (Acts 2:42 – 47) This is the plan …the body working together, loving each other and loving the world! (Col 4:2 – 6)

K. Barnabas and Saul team up to teach the new converts in AntiochActs 11: 22 – 26

L. Peter arrested and then released by an Angel of the LordActs 12: 5 – 7, Acts 12: 18

M. Still, the Word of God spread Acts 12: 24 – 25

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