February 19, 2012

Acts: They were devoted to…

Service Type:

Steve Lane

A. They devoted themselves to...

Place this passage in history…
Devoted – proskartereo (pros-kar-ter-eh’o) – to be earnest towards, to persevere, be constantly diligent, or in a place, to attend assiduously all the exercises...

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The Devoted to's [Acts 2:42 – 47]

The Word – Preaching, teaching, personal and sharing together. Devoted to the Word.
Fellowship – koinonia – partnership, communication, participation, open hearts, lives..
The Lord’s Supper, Communion – Remember the cross.
Prayer – devoted to, personally and together. Devoted to prayer
Praising God – not referring just to a worship service but a general awe
Evangelism – (Matt 28 and Acts 1: 8) all about the full great commission
Abiding – Devoted to pursuit of intimacy with God, staying connected to the Vine
Faith – believe 28 times, faith 14 times in Acts - Trusting God for something…
B. Devoted to Fellowship [devoted to one another for the sake of Christ]

Koinonia – From koinonos, (a sharer, companion, partaker, partner), participation, communicate, communion, sharing in common
Hebrews 10: 24 – 25 Our connection to the body is vital to our connection to the Head –
1 John 1: 3 – 4, 7 roof off and walls down for God’s purposes to be fulfilled
John 7: 38 What should you bring to fellowship?
Philippians 1: 26 We can promote the overflow in one another What stops the overflow

C. Devoted to prayer

Acts 1: 14, 2: 42,, 4: 23 – 24, 27 – 31, 6:4, 12: 5, 13: 3
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions, pray continuously, pray for us, we pray for you, in earnest prayer, wrestling in prayer, spiritual battle praying

D. Motive in prayer

Prayer is first about relationship – Remember the history
The greatest hindrance to obedience and prayer is not poison but apple pie Piper
Prayer and God dependence. What are you trying for God that you cannot do on your own?

What was the early church praying for?
Acts 1: 14 Constantly in prayer
Acts 4: 24, 27 – 31 Power and boldness, Unity, one mind
1Thessalonians 1: 2 – 5 What was behind the faith, the power and the deep conviction?
2Thessalonians 1: 11 – 12 His cause, prayer – faith – power.
1Thessalonians 3: 10 Night and day, earnestly – real friendship and perfected/conformed
1Thessalonians 5: 17 Pray continually
2Thessalonians 3: 1 Message spread rapidly
Colossians 4: 2, 12 Open doors, clear message, alert to every opportunity

Fan the flicker … respond to even the smallest desire
Prayer is a discipline and a passion. They were attempting the impossible.
What will be your response to this call to pray?

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