June 19, 2011

Be Men of Character

Service Type:

Be Men of Character (And Transfer it to Those Around You)
Steve Lane

A. How do You Teach That?

John 10: 11,14
Accepting the notion of being responsible for the physical and spiritual well being of those around them is the work of true fatherhood

B. Principles of Fatherhood
Teaching and sharing the core truths of the Bible—the Gospel
Sharing your life as well
Developing partners and co-laborers
Praying as if the others depended completely on this one
Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Solitude/intimacy with God

Discernment and wisdom to see the phases of Spiritual growth:
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Leader (disciple maker)

Life patters of fathers:
Taking small initiatives
Praying and responding as God leads
Serving others in resurrection power
Partners and co-laborers

Statistics; Time... the only way some attributes can be transferred

Ezekiel 22: 30
"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none

2 Timothy 2: 1 - 4
Vehicle of disciple making: The woods, field and front porch of Mnt Pleasant, GA

Philippians 2: 3
Others first. (where to sit?)
Never presumptuous. How do you teach that?

Joshua 1: 9
Strength and courage
David to Solomon, Moses to Joshua, God to Joshua, Joshua to the people of Israel,
Paul to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 13 - 14)
True Grit - always had the heavy end. How do you teach that?
Honorable - always take the hurt or the hit. Never took more than his due; never cheated

Work had its proper place, never displacing his family

Men of respect:
Your day was a good man, he was a strong man, he was humble
Any time I stand for the weak, do the right thing even when its costly and no one is watching

"Husbands love your wives" — the children were never first; security
"Do no exasperate your children" — Has to do with knowing when to come on strong

Psalm 119: 9 - 16
Be men of the Word. This is our hope for character

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