February 13, 2011

Beware of False Teachers

Service Type:

2 Peter - Beware of False Teachers,
and Respond in the Truth
Steve Lane

A. Intro/Review: Virtues, God's Word: Light in the Darkness
First step in preparing them for the coming storm of opposition
Peter is going to remind them to have confidence in God's Word
One interpretation, many applications
But, this is a time for warning
Jude 3 - 4
Jeremiah 23: 16,21,26
Matthew 7: 15
2 Corinthians 11: 13

B. False Teaching Today

You will find false teachers in all three of these examples:
Word of Faith Movement: Positive faith words, to which even God is obligated to yield. (Wha?)
The emergent church: Culture driven, rather than biblically driven
Seeker friendly: Not as prominent as it once was
1 Thessalonians 1: 8 When Paul shared the gospel, he shared his life as well

C. Warnings About, and to, False Teachers

2 Peter 2:1
"Denying the Master who bought them"
These false teachers are not believers gone astray
Lives did not match the biblical standard... nor teach the power of a transformed life
2 Peter 1: 5 - 8

Teaching can go towards legalism and intellectualism, or experiential and emotional

2 Peter 2: 2
Many will follow... there is a appeal to the flesh cloaked in spirituality

2 Peter 2: 3
These guys may be extraordinary story tellers. Check their life styles

2 Peter 2: 4 - 9
A few examples of some impressive types that have been dealt with by God
Angels: Probably fallen angels who crossed the line even for demons
Ancient world of the flood: The whole world was headed on such a direction that no...
Sodom and Gomorrah: God destroyed two cities because of their extreme wickedness

2 Peter 2: 9
Those He rescued are an example and encouragement to us - He knows our situation

2 Peter 2: 10 - 12
Cloaked with spirituality and religion they pursue the desires of the flesh
Jude 8 - 10 Even powerful angels are not this presumptuous

2 Peter 2:13 - 14
Shamelessly wade right in to the fellowship of the body and look for weak

2 Peter 2: 15 - 16
The common sins of greed and lust

2 Peter 2: 17 - 19
They boldly promise what they cannot deliver.

2 Peter 2: 20 - 22
Not one that has truly put his faith in the substitutional death of Jesus...

D. Conclusion

What about us? Do we want the truth?

Jeremiah 42: 1 - 6
Oh, tell us the truth... we will do it all

Jeremiah 43: 1 - 2
They seemed to want the truth but, in reality, they wanted their own way.

How have you responded to the truth you have heard?
Truth is more than having the right doctrine. It is responding and obeying—even in the small steps.
Apologetics without love and 'sharing your life as well' is like a "resounding gong"
For even a seasoned believer, if you are not responding to the truth given, then progress has stopped

Psalm 40: 8
John 15
1 John 2

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