September 18, 2011

Beware the Yeast

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Beware the Yeast
Steve Lane

A. Review
There is a blend of learning about following Jesus, and about making disciples
Come and see; Come and follow Me; Come and be with Me
Catching the Vision from Jesus (Matthew 14: 22 - 29)
"My sheep hear My voice..." To whose voice do you listen?
"Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid" (Matthew 14: 22 - 29)
Unless they would eat/believe his flesh and drink/believe on His blood, they would have no life
The sifting (John 6: 60 - 71)
If Jesus taught His men over and over the lesson of faith, should we not listen and act also?

B. Beware of Leaven
Popular again, and on the SE shore of the lake, and feeds the 4000
Then, He has another conversation with the Pharisees and Sadducees
Lack of faith, and self-absorption—desiring a sign (Matthew 16: 1 - 4)
The leaven is unbelief

Matthew 16: 5 - 12
Uses a familiar example to give a picture of how evil can infiltrate and ruin what is good
The disciples are so preoccupied with their physical needs that they fail to comprehend
How do the things we value and and the things... or how are they stepping stones to the eternal?
Recognize the worth, yet overshadowing nature of earthly pursuits and things of this world
A little bit of leaven tends to work through the whole batch of dough
Their lack of faith blinded them to deeper spiritual truths—they were not ready to hear
You cannot corral wrong thinking, hard heart, bad attitude. You eradicate it, or it will permeate.

C. Peter's Proclamation

Matthew 16: 13 - 20
13 :: Villages North of the Sea of Galilee
14 :: Compliments from their prospective, but falling way short
16 - 18 :: Faith was still foundational, and his faith is commended
You are a rock, Petros, and upon this petra [foundational bedrock] of truth of who I Am, I will build...
Galatians 2: 9; Ephesians 2: 20; 1 Peter 2: 4 - 5
Deeply emotional statement by Jesus, moved by Peter's faith as he did not shrink back
19 Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

D. First Lesson on the Cross

Matthew 16: 21 - 28; Mark 8: 31 - 38; Luke 9: 22 - 27
First clear and open warnings about His cross—not all the significance of it
Earthly, self-focus is a hindrance to Jesus
This second difficult statement is not just for the disciples, but for anyone who would follow Jesus

If you take up the cross, you will take up the mission.

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