May 8, 2011


Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Life Pattern of Gospel Sharing: Conversation
(We Need Cross-Loving Women!)
Steve Lane

A. Review
God is on a mission. Whose mission are you on?
Principles of Gospel sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Phases of movement or spiritual growth
Life patterns of followers of Christ (Gospel sharers and disciple makers)
Taking small initiatives
Praying and responding as God leads
Serving others in resurrection power

B. Introduction

Hudson Taylor in China
A very dangerous place for women in the 1800's
He wrote to his own mother from China, "It is worth living for and dying for."
Closer to home... and closer to home still
"Don't tell them Jesus loves them until you are ready to love them too"
~Steve Camp
Special challenges for women in becoming disciple makers:
The cross. Then, the strength and wisdom come
Vision of making disciples. But, this is one step at a time.
1 Thessalonians 2: 7 - 8
2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12

C. Next (fifth) Life Pattern: Conversation and the Gospel [Book — Insider]
The bread and butter of Gospel sharing is sharing your life as well—conversation
Boldness, but also advising insiders with a different twist
Colossians 4: 2 - 6
1 Thessalonians 1: 5 "Not simply words"
When we hijack a conversation to share the gospel...
It is an honest sharing of your life, and being legitimately interested in their life
Care enough about another person to talk and to listen

D. "Come and see" — The Attitude of Jesus that Opened Doors of Communication
John 1: 38 - 39
John 1: 45 - 46
Jesus' strategy to reconcile the world to God involved people
Practical: Informal and flexible rules of conversation
Be honest and open about yourself. Let people know, but stay off your soap box
Take a sincere interest in the other person—ask questions and listen

With openness and conversation, trust is established and there is some common ground
1 Peter3: 15 - How would they know? It flows out of "come and see" and conversation
Some other kinds of gospel sharing tend to rely on knowledge, brashness or...
We must take a genuine interest in others to have an open door to their soul
Proverbs 20: 5

E. Conclusion
Proverbs 10: 13
Proverbs 11: 9
Proverbs 12: 13 - 14,25
Proverbs 18: 6 - 8,21
Proverbs 15: 23
Romans 10: 14,15,17
Matthew 12: 33 - 34
Psalm 19: 14
Ephesians 4: 29 - 31
John 7: 46 No man spoke the way this man...
Colossians 4: 5 - 6

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