March 28, 2010

Counted Worthy of His Calling

Service Type:

Counted Worthy of His Calling
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intruduction
1 Thessalonians gaves us a good picture of a vibrant, growing church and individual
1 Thessalonians was written in the Spring of 50 A.D., and 2 Thessalonians the late Summer.
Paul finished up the last letter with admonition to not quench the Spirit.
The tone is pastoral, and not detailed, theological instruction.

B. Paul Thanking God, Because of their Growing: Faith, Love and Perseverance

2 Thessalonians 1: 1 - 4
They really are still growing in these things, and there continues to be evidence.
They have continued putting on their armor. (1 Thessalonians 1: 2 - 3)
Faith: Are you applying faith? Love is the motive.
Perseverance: 2 Thessalonians 1: 5 (Philippians 1: 27 - 29)
Their right response brings glory to God's righteousness judgement now, and on the Day.

C. God's Judgment is Just

2 Thessalonians 1: 6 - 10
God is a righteous judge, and the people persecuting them will face God.
Then, he gets to the primary reason for the judgement: the refusal of the gospel.

Be careful. Do not let human pseudo-compassion blame God for the rebellion of man. God is love. God is kind, and full of mercy. God is perfect in His justice.
Verse 10: God is just. God's judgement is right. God will eternally punish those who do not receive the gospel.
You will directly participate in His glory on that day. (Romans 8: 18 - 19)

D. With This in Mind, Do Everything to Bring Him the Maximum Glory!

2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12
Our humble, Holy Spirit-dependant, powerful, obedient lives will bring glory to God. Paul is praying that they would bring maximum glory to God.
Urging them on to get the maximum joy, by bringing the maximum glory to God in Jesus Christ — both now, and on that day. They get to participate in the greatest cause in all of eternity. Should we not pursue this with gusto?
There is a great battle—a great and awesome drama begin played out.
God has planned and purposed your part to bring the maximum glory to God in Jesus Christ.
Don't be distracted by things that will have no value on that day.

Application of 1 Thessalonians 1: 3: work produced by faith.
Our purpose in everything we do is to bring glory to God. And this is our joy!

So, hang on. Be counted worthy of His call. Resolve to persevere. Keep on loving one another, and daringly offering hospitality and sharing the gospel and your lives as well.

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