June 19, 2005

Dangers to the Church

Service Type:

June 19, 2005

The Body of Christ

Dangers to the Church
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Acts 2: 42

B. Gossip

Ephesians 4: 31 - 32
A favorite tool of the ultimate slanderer

C. Not paying close attention to doctrine

Titus 2: 1
2 Timothy 1: 13 - 14
Theological liberalism - modernism - down grade controversy

D. Pragmatism

Pragmatism: Not denying scripture, but relying on something else
If it works, it must be ok -- the ends justify the means -- "Testing the validity of all concepts by their practical results" -- if it doesn't work, it must be wrong

Isaiah 31: 1 - 2
Zechariah 4: 6

Galatians 5: 11
1 Corinthians 1: 17
Not offensive like the cross

The church ends up catering to "people whose first love is themselves, and who care not for God -- unless they can have Him without disrupting their selfish lifestyles. Promise such people a religion that will allow them to be comfortable in their materialism and self-love, and they will respond in droves."

2 Timothy 4: 1
He was to pursue excellence in these things

Matthew 16: 15 - 18
I will build my church

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