February 2, 2014

Daniel – Life Lessons

Service Type:

Daniel - Life Lessons
Steve Lane

The Power of a Life Well Lived - Daniel resolves

Three brief character studies – Mumble, Hezekiah, Daniel The balance of faith and doing all we can do
The life of Mumble
Mumble did his best at what he did best
Mumble persevered
Sad and mad at times but he didn't give up
He made friends and partners with the little guys... and they could sing
He believed he could make a difference
Mumble could dance - He got over not being able to sing
Mumble did not believe the low expectations
Living wholeheartedly no matter your gifts, abilities, resources

The Life of Hezekiah
2 Chronicles 29:1-2He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord
Purified and reinstated Temple worship
2Chron 29:10-11 You will learn this about Hezekiah - He did things right
2Chron 29:35-36
2Chron 31:21 Reinstated the passover and did much to encourage the people to seek God
2Chron 32:1-5 He diligently prepared for battle
2Chron 32:6-8 He encouraged the people
2Chron 32:10-12 Warfare of discouragement and direct attack of their faith
2Chron 32:20 He prayed
2Chron 32:21 He did all he could do with excellence but God did it (Not God helps those...)
2Chron 32:22-23 He was highly regarded by the nations. Uh oh
2Chron 32:24-25 Pride and repentance
2Chron 32:30-31 Again. Does not have to be like this... Daniel

Luke 21:2 Wholehearted does not always look the same in our lives
There is a temptation when we have little to waste what little we have or to clutch on to it

The Life of Daniel
Daniel 1:18-20 Daniel lived a life of excellence but he knew the real source of power and impact
Daniel's character was a reflection of his hanging on to God (Excellence, faith, courage, humility, on God's mission, etc)
The Prayer of Daniel – a window into his soul
Dan 10:18-19He was changed and shaped through His contact with the Great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of Love.
Behind the scene glimpses of The Drama
Jesus admonished His disciples, “They should always Pray and not give up”

1Thes 4:1-2 We Instructed you how to live Ephesians 4:1 Live worthy of the call
The tension in our lives of labor, faith, fruit

1Thes 1:3

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