December 1, 2013

Daniel Part 5 – The Power of Humility to Draw and

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Daniel Part 5 - The Power of Humility to Draw and Repel
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro
God reserves His real work of changing men's hearts to the humble.
The search for satisfaction born out of pride
Its been about 65 years since Daniel came to Babylon. Probably 81 here.
On the night of this party the great city of Babylon is under siege
The year is 539BC. We started our story in 605BC
God continues to call you and deal with you even when you don't have a clear cut task at the moment!

B. The Pride Party Dan 5:1–4
We have their example and we are responsible.

C. Fear but no humility Dan 5:5–9

D. The Drawing and Repelling power of true Humility Dan 5:10 - 16
Daniel had not been invited to the party. Daniel was not afraid of the world...

Humility as displayed by Daniel and king Nebuchadnezzar is not just thinking lowly of yourself but thinking so highly and accurately of God that you see your self and others in a right perspective.

For the world to be drawn to you is not enough or for the world to be repelled by you is not enough – there must be true humility. “The Spirit of the Holy God lives in him” They must see.

A sure sign of a lack of real humility.

Dan 5:17 Well, I have read the writing on the wall and I am not really that interested

E. Learning (not judging) from the humility lessons of others Dan 5:18-24

Verse 22 (key verse) – You don't get to (or have to) relive the experiences of Nebuchadnezzar You knew of him, that is enough. We don't get the excuse of a lack of experiences.

What have we learned about pride... maybe we should revisit Intimacy and dependance, On God's mission today or trying to satisfy our own desires – pride? God's solution to pride

A window into your own soul and your own experiences, to understand what God is doing in your life.

Repent of your pride but don't stop there... value God above all like Daniel... and Nebuchadnezzar

F. Don't wait for the 'writing on the wall' Dan 5: 25-28

Mene – numbered or measured, Tekel – related to shekel weighed/coin, Peres – root word/ to divide

G. Don't try to appease God, or His man – Repent Dan 5:29 - 30

H. Back in Action Dan 6:1–2
This guy's been training... he's ready. He had not slipped into pride or reliving the glory days or self pity or self focused living.

So repent as God brings those things to mind... and respond by valuing God and pursuing Him

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