January 19, 2014

Daniel Prays – Part 2 – A Glimpse Into The Unseen World

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Daniel Prays - Part 2 - A Glimpse Into The Unseen World
Steve Lane

Prayer... the secret to a promised land mentality
How do we become a praying church? This is your starting place... what is your deepest need?

When I am seeking God on my deepest need other doors are opened. I become aware of God's heart

When you pray for that deepest need.. pray for the heart of God in other areas you have not had such desire in... These doors will open as you begin to really pray.

The Prayer of Daniel

Dan 9:1-3 Daniel's prayer based on God's desires as revealed in the Word
Dan 9:4-6 He worshipped and confessed sin
Dan 9:16-19 He asked and based His request on the character of God not his own
Dan 9:20-23 Yet, God was pleased with Daniel's request, his life and His desires
Dan 9:24 The answer came but is still yet to come in full
Dan 10:2-3, 12-14 There is a struggle
Dan 10:18-19 He was changed and shaped through His contact with the Great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of Love.

Behind the scene glimpses of The Drama
Dan 10:12-14, 20
You've seen those behind the scenes making of some movies? The actor is really alone...

Every now and then we get a glimpse of what is going on. Job 1:6

Daniel has a part in this drama but he doesn’t see all the other parts.

These glimpses reveal that there is more going on in this world than meets the eye.
Daniel did not realize at the time of prayer the extent of battle he was in Dan 10:12-13

“That was OT” What do you think of Ephesians 6:10-12?
We should not try to see more deeply into the unseen world than what is revealed
Organized spiritual forces fighting against our prayers. We are a potent part of the raging battle

Rom 15:30 to join with me in my struggle... strive with me... agonize with me

We are fighting a spiritual battle. It is not casual. We do not usually immediately see the results of the battle, there are real barriers, there is a real enemy fighting against us (hopefully)

There is a war going on and we are called to fight 2Cor 10:3-5
Secret prayer may be the best gauge of a person's relationship to God

Peace and Strength Dan 10:18-19

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