January 12, 2014

Daniel Prays – Will we be a praying church in 2014

Service Type:

Daniel Prays - Will We Be A Praying Church In 2014?
Steve Lane

A. Intro
How do I (we) do that? This is your starting place: what is your deepest need? Or desire?
This is what has the most potential to drive you to your knees.
It may be related to fruit and God's purpose in your life but it is also personal.

Double Impact
When I am seeking God on my deepest need other doors are opened. I become aware of God's heart

You won't know till you get there but when you really experience God's compassion and mercy towards other situations and people it will so enrich your soul that you are likely to keep on praying

You must walk the prayer road and it is fraught with danger, disappointment, temptation ... victory.

We want an answer but we are not really willing to die or struggle.

When you pray for that deepest need pray also for the heart of God in other areas. These doors will open as you begin to really pray.

The Prayer of Daniel
Daniel started off praying for a return to Jerusalem and moved moved on to passionately praying that God's name would be honored... (Daniel 9:19)

Look for disciple making to become a part of your prayer life...

Dan 9:1-3 Daniel's prayer based on God's desires as revealed in God's Word

Dan 9:4-6 He worshiped and confessed sin

Dan 9:16-19 He asked and based His request on the character of God not his own

Dan 9:20-23 Yet, God was pleased with Daniel's request, his life and his desires
Insight, understanding and answer came Proverbs 2:1-8, 1:23, 2-7

Dan 9:24 The answer came but is still yet to come in full

Dan 10:2-3, 12-14 There is a struggle

Dan 10:18-19 Daniel was both exhausted and strengthened through his prayer

He was changed and shaped through His contact with the Great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of Love.

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