November 3, 2013

Daniel’s Resolve

Service Type:

Daniel's Resolve
Steve Lane

The audio for this message distorts half way through the message because of technical difficulties. We apologize for this inconvience.
B. Introduction/Historical setting

Many warnings by God through the prophets – Jerusalem and Judea is taken by the Babylonians in
605BC Israel already fallen to Assyria in 722BC

Nebuchadnezzar 1st invasion 605BC, 2nd 597BC, 3rd 587BC

Daniel carried to Babylon in 605BC. His career spanned over 70 years and two world powers Dan 1:21

Babylon conquered by Persia in 539BC and in 320 BC by Alexander the Great by Rome in 146BC

Return under Zerubbabel (539BC) Exiles received encouragement from the book of Daniel

Daniel read in Jeremiah that the exile was going to be 70 yrs (Daniel 1:21) (Ezra1:1-3)

Captured in 605BC probably wrote in 532 BC at about 90yrs old
Daniel 8:1, Daniel 9:2, 20,Jesus accepted Mathew 24:15/Daniel 9:27

Themes: God is sovereign, power of prayer, God's plan for the ages, the character and faithfulness of
Daniel (Ezra 14:14; Ezra 28:3)

The pace is set early as in the first chapter as Daniel and his 3 friends spoke up with great courage..

Who is this man who remains so true and is used mightily while living and working in a world system
whose very name represents world systems!

C. Daniel 1:1 – 4 Daniel's season... in Babylon not in beloved Jerusalem

Brought to Babylon as a teenager and put into their elite education and training system
Daniel 1:1–4

D. Daniel 1:5 – 10 First test in Babylon – Obedience Faith and Courage

Seeing in the green
Daniel 1:5–10

None of this works without God's intervention But Faith and courage are required of Daniel.

Daniel 1:8 resolved...

E. Daniel 1:11–17 Daniel and his partners

Verse 11 Understood early on the strength of brotherhood and partners...

Verse 12 Test your servants – took a step, counting on God to come through.

Verse 17 God gave them knowledge and understanding.

Daniel deeply understood this and shows humility year in and year out in his long life.

Daniel had great reliance upon God and this humility brought him through great trial and great victory.

F. Daniel 1:18–21 God has a purpose for Daniel

With the smallest of success comes the temptation of pride.

Daniel's Purpose: We will see the same result of all of Daniels adventures, trials and victories – The

God of Israel receives glory and honor.

It appears that at least 2 kings of Babylon turn to God because of Daniel's influence.

Conclusion/application Will you resolve?

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